Supplying Your Cataloguing and Unique Processing Needs for 25 years
LBI’s cataloguing services provide great flexibility, and custom requirements, due to the sophistication of the proprietary MARC Record Production System, which has recently been upgraded to allow increased efficiency and accuracy during the cataloguing process and for MARC record customization. This system allows us to provide Library specific coding for such things as call numbers, custom GMDs, enhanced subfield coding in subject headings, notes fields, series changes and Library specific MARC tags and holdings fields. All of these changes are set in the Library’s profile. The custom changes and call numbers are then incorporated into the records based upon the pre-defined logic when the MARC records are uploaded into the Cataloguing database. This allows the Library great flexibility at no additional costs or MARC production restrictions to either LBI or the Library.
The system also provides the processing department with custom labels (spine labels, smart barcodes) and instruction sheets derived from the same pre-defined logic to ensure consistency and accuracy of material processing.
Our ability to efficiently deliver shelf-ready material of consistently high-quality ranks us among the top suppliers of processing services.